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Exclusive Interview: The Potential of AI in Home Care

Published on November 28, 2023 by Scott Zielski

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Hear from William “Bill” Mattle, Co-founder and Chief Product Officer of Smartcare Software, to discuss Artificial Intelligence (AI). We will focus on how Smartcare’s CPO views the potential of AI in home care while allowing him to reflect on Smartcare’s current AI applications and future plans.

The potential of AI in home care

Can you take us back to when Smartcare first began integrating AI into its home care solutions?

“Absolutely. At Smartcare, we’ve recognized AI as a transformative force for quite some time. The basic technology has been with us since the mid-20th century, but it’s the recent advancements that have truly opened new doors. We’ve been incorporating AI into our products for years, especially in our dynamic scheduling system, which uses decision trees and basic machine learning techniques. Our approach has always been to leverage AI not just for innovation’s sake, but to add real value for our customers and their patients, clients, and community residents.”

With AI’s rapidly evolving landscape, how has Smartcare’s approach to AI evolved?

“Our approach has matured alongside the evolution of AI. Initially, our focus was on integrating basic AI functionalities into our scheduling dashboard, better matching caregivers to clients. However, as AI has developed, so have our ambitions. We are now looking at more advanced applications, including AI-assisted caregiver notes, 360-degree care solutions, and AI’s ability to offer deeper insights into home care planning. We’re not just incorporating AI, we are reimagining home care with it.”

Can you explain Smartcare’s strategic approach to data, analytics, and AI?

“Smartcare’s AI roadmap was shaped by MIT’s Data Science Hierarchy of Needs. It starts with data collection, an area where Smartcare excels, thanks to diverse data sources we have ready access to through the ever-expanding Smartcare network of provider data to the ability to collect point-of-care data points, from nursing tablets and Smartphone apps. Moving up the hierarchy of needs, next, we focused on data mobility, security, and quality, ensuring that the data we leverage is not just voluminous, but also clean, relevant, and reliable. This forms the foundation for advanced analytics, where AI begins to play a crucial role. By the time we reach the top of the hierarchy, which involves deep learning, we’re looking at AI not just as a tool, but as a partner in decision-making, offering predictions and recommendations to improve outcomes.”

How does Smartcare envision the role of AI in the future of home care?

“We see AI as a key driver in the advancement of home care. As care increasingly moves to the home, AI will play a crucial role in integrating home care with the overall healthcare ecosystem. We’re exploring ways AI can further enhance scheduling and care planning and we’re also venturing into content creation to provide care guidance and for documentation purposes. Beyond these content-driven solutions, our vision is to enable deeper, more insightful interactions and care strategies through AI, aligning with the broader goal of providing value-driven, efficient, personalized care.”

There’s a lot of excitement around AI but also concerns about its implications. How does Smartcare address these concerns?

“We are very aware of the ethical and practical concerns surrounding AI. Our primary focus is on ensuring safety, security, and privacy in our applications of AI. Smartcare is committed to using AI responsibly, ensuring that it complements human expertise rather than replacing it. In home care, the human element is irreplaceable and our aim is to use AI to enhance, not diminish the human touch in care.”

What are some specific AI projects that Smartcare is currently working on?

“One of the exciting projects we’re working on is AI-assisted caregiver notes. The goal is to reduce the administrative burden on caregivers, allowing them to focus more on patient care. We’re also developing our 360-degree care solution, which uses AI to provide a holistic view of a patient’s care needs, integrating data from various sources to offer comprehensive insights. Additionally, we are always working on advanced data sets that can provide deeper insights into the nuances of home care.”

How does Smartcare plan to maintain its competitive edge in the AI-driven future of home care?

“Innovation is key. We continuously explore new AI advancements and assess their applicability in home care. Our product team collaborates closely with healthcare professionals to understand the evolving needs of the industry. We also invest in training and development to ensure our team remains at the forefront of AI technology. Finally, we maintain an open dialogue with our customers, ensuring our solutions are not just technologically advanced, but also add practical value.”

What do you see as the biggest challenge in integrating AI into home care?

“One of the biggest challenges is balancing the technological aspects of AI with the human-centric nature of home care. AI offers immense potential, but it must be integrated in a way that respects and enhances the personal touch that is so crucial in caregiving. Another challenge is data privacy and security, particularly given the sensitive nature of healthcare data. We’re tackling these challenges by focusing on responsible AI development and deployment, prioritizing ethical considerations, and ensuring robust data protection measures.”

Finally, what is your vision for the future of AI in healthcare and home care?

“Our vision is an interconnected healthcare ecosystem where AI plays a pivotal role in enhancing care quality, efficiency, and personalization. In home care, specifically, we see AI as a tool for empowering caregivers, offering them real-time insights and support to provide better care. We also envision AI facilitating more proactive and preventive care strategies, helping to address health issues before they escalate. Our goal is to use AI to enrich the lives of those in the care of the providers that use our solutions and to ultimately contribute positively to the broader healthcare continuum of care.”

To learn more about Smartcare Software, request a free demo.